@pkvi · 10d
(5M • 100) - 3M/yr over-head = 500M red
(≖_≖ )> ..what if apts?
12(8K x 400) - 3M/yr = 1B ÷ 45M/yr = 22.2 years (⊙_.)>
>160M ÷ (12(292 x 3K) + 1M) = 14 years (>.<
NYC demonstrates the economy is fake:
credibility to printed wealth by building assets
equating value as /real/
>making instead of mining

@pkvi · 11d
>serfle of life
@pkvi · 15d
Hating specific cultures in our modern globalized environment is often myopic. It is not simply "jews" when christians and seculars act in the same vain. Religious and philosophical passages reference behavior before cult.
>genocide greed

@pkvi · 17d
An adapted man decomposes.
An adapting man is reborn.
>environment dictates
We must sabotage civilization to serve civilization.
>in order to create you must first destroy
Bonus Round:
Things seen are unseen by time,
leaving behind a stain you make peace with.

@pkvi · 18d
>technologically progressive
>amazon 2,338 feet away
>ups in-between
>two day delivery
Were one only able to shop in a store for same day goods ~(°-°)~
So many sacrificed to the alter of imitation-introverted lethargy

@pkvi · 19d
Why the porch is emblematic contentment.
@pkvi · 20d
There are no natural-disasters
There are only natural-member disasters
There is no fundamental natural design for pic rel. We have created impediments to natural rhythm and then when feebly destroyed by heaven and earth, we seek empathy and condition this as entitled.
>worms improve soil

@pkvi · 22d
#RFT drop-beginning model (and SM Big Bang) require that a pre-formed deformation (irregularity) must exist for uniformity to diverge
>god is disfigured
The field must then have a boundaried-value state within.

@pkvi · 22d
Primary difference between a Standard Model and #RFT physicist is the former believes matter as escaping (exchange) while the other believes matter would not exist if not trapped (deflection).
@pkvi · 22d
Difficulty physicists claim modeling emergence is due to alienation in SM as opposed to even a stranded connectivity which is desperately grasped at with comical QM entanglement. #RFT chooses a more unified consequental field:
>impediment threading
>all things are created equal

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