@pkvi · 8d
Who do you fault when peasants allow it?
Packs, herds, swarms.. all of nature yearns for leadership. Until peasants admit to their station and their unwillingness to sacrifice --
Some times a third group must upend both for change to occur.

@pkvi · 14d
>but also
Thirds is never balance.
Thirds doubled (anti-) upon thirds doubled upon thirds doubled becomes perpetual job-security necessity for tangling loose threads.
..by way of dualities and trialities \(ಠ_ಠ)/

@pkvi · 14d
Dilution of score aggregation is how they will persuade deniability of a western social credit (CBDC).
>amazon, irs, visa, insurance, banks, et cetera
Fog of war on peasants.

@pkvi · 16d
It is easier to graph a homogeneous transitional field (#RFT) than a GR space-time field. That shd matter to theoretical physicists but instead mathematics-biased modeling compounds for preceding irregularities
>and grant fraud
rather than favor tangible mechanics.

@pkvi · 17d
Issue with General Relativity is if mass is alienated from space-time, then it disregards that if space is bent it must have to-end-of-space three-dimensional tolerance, perverting all waves and fields. A more probable solution is mass and space are symbiotic fields in a transitional state. #RFT
@pkvi · 17d
>it happened
..is as best a memory could ever credibly be.

@pkvi · 20d
>taco shell patent
(._.) ..america is a merchant cartoon.

@pkvi · 21d
>larmor precession
Unstable-stable spin requires more negative space than a wave-particle vibration --> which it self is refuted by the amount of negative space tolerated in SM models. Physicists are certain of 'dark' forces bcz they can not allow uni- conditioned SM being the inverse field. #RFT

@pkvi · 23d
Civilization is evidenced as having failed when the conditioned divide between action and consequence must be repudiated. As example, obese secret shoppers who receive free meals in exchange for snitching on negligible policies. Peoples' lives are upended by manufactured crises, fatty feels heroic.
@pkvi · 24d
>38.4m in 10 hours by 'small donations'
38.4M ÷ (10h x 60m)
64,000 ÷ 20
3,200 people at 20$ (avg) each, every minute, for 10 hours
(≖_≖ )> gtfo
>21.07 + 48.93 = an even 70
Did ayh just catch their bot?!
>money laundering or pay-off
..but never neither.
>52.4m in 24 hours
36,666 ÷ 100 = 367/m (.-.)

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