16 results for "RFT"
@pkvi · 22d
#RFT drop-beginning model (and SM Big Bang) require that a pre-formed deformation (irregularity) must exist for uniformity to diverge
>god is disfigured
The field must then have a boundaried-value state within.

@pkvi · 22d
Primary difference between a Standard Model and #RFT physicist is the former believes matter as escaping (exchange) while the other believes matter would not exist if not trapped (deflection).
@pkvi · 22d
Difficulty physicists claim modeling emergence is due to alienation in SM as opposed to even a stranded connectivity which is desperately grasped at with comical QM entanglement. #RFT chooses a more unified consequental field:
>impediment threading
>all things are created equal

@pkvi · 25d
>particle wave duality
They unknowingly dabble with #RFT (wave-collision-field) by their begrudging acknowledgement that particle theory has become untenable -- yet can not break the medaled professor hypnosis. Perhaps if reminded Einstein was working on field-matter \(._.)/

@pkvi · 38d
>particle-wave duality
Sodium? #RFT

@pkvi · 47d
It is easier to graph a homogeneous transitional field (#RFT) than a GR space-time field. That shd matter to theoretical physicists but instead mathematics-biased modeling compounds for preceding irregularities
>and grant fraud
rather than favor tangible mechanics.

@pkvi · 48d
Issue with General Relativity is if mass is alienated from space-time, then it disregards that if space is bent it must have to-end-of-space three-dimensional tolerance, perverting all waves and fields. A more probable solution is mass and space are symbiotic fields in a transitional state. #RFT
@pkvi · 52d
>larmor precession
Unstable-stable spin requires more negative space than a wave-particle vibration --> which it self is refuted by the amount of negative space tolerated in SM models. Physicists are certain of 'dark' forces bcz they can not allow uni- conditioned SM being the inverse field. #RFT

@pkvi · 77d
>negative space influenced by particle movement
Yet in SM, the particle (cloud) must shift a % of self to represent a value of energy
Would it not be easier to combine the field and particle (densities) as elevated states of energetic movement deflected \(ಠ_ಠ)/ #RFT

@pkvi · 94d
Gravity is consequential vortical flow; prevention of scaled exchange is perpendicular movement --> gravity is the vacuity between changes in states.
>sinking ship
mass #RFT

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