@pkvi · 22d
It seems lost in performance even on the most nimble of conspiracy theorists:
>we do not know who
>we can not see who
Even a consortium wants of hierarchy. He with this much power does not need attention drawn to him, knowing a vain mafia don inevitably is overthrown.
>dominus nemo

@pkvi · 24d
>three card monte
America is 258 years old on paper and well older in republic-governance -- and we (and they) are still feigning an inability to understand the metrics of how America is governed.
>chaos is a ladder

@pkvi · 25d
>particle wave duality
They unknowingly dabble with #RFT (wave-collision-field) by their begrudging acknowledgement that particle theory has become untenable -- yet can not break the medaled professor hypnosis. Perhaps if reminded Einstein was working on field-matter \(._.)/

@pkvi · 28d
45 days ago they announced the irregular debate schedule and it was not lost on many that this was precursor to a maneuver. After the debate, peasants now clamor at their surprise and necessity without consciousness of playing the part --> and still unaware of the plot's next plot. (._.)
@pkvi · 29d
>so brave
(>_ლ) Ayh identify as no-covid-fluid. These late-hoaxers are no less vermin than the pharmaceuticals inevitably 'oops'-ing. It was not some radical hypothetical to have scrutinized the PCR tests when the flawed data was available to the public before CoHoax (Mullis)
>cycles and labels

@pkvi · 29d
If a government truly wished to reduce automobile fatalities, congestion and pollution
>and forsake lobbied consumerism
they need only affirm basic license test standards. The additional consequence would be an increase in local employment, carpooling and public-transportation.
>close enough
<(≖_≖ )

@pkvi · 30d
>bread and circus
..and brittle thread. #Anarchy

@pkvi · 30d
Industrialization of the bare-minimum is not mithridatism.
@pkvi · 31d
>label maker
..and how one needs so few complicit.

@pkvi · 32d
Natural order is that with more freedom a species has, the more chaotic their existence. There are methodologies to subtle boundaries that can calm a collective, tho these are antithetical to competitive profiteering
>order from disorder
>chaos is a ladder

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