10 results for "Anarchy"
@pkvi · 8d
Bridge-poll proudly posted unironically believing
>these are your best choices
>these are /your/ choices
>there is equal chance for either
>their hero is barely more likely
>vote harder

@pkvi · 15d
Hating specific cultures in our modern globalized environment is often myopic. It is not simply "jews" when christians and seculars act in the same vain. Religious and philosophical passages reference behavior before cult.
>genocide greed

@pkvi · 25d
>three card monte
America is 258 years old on paper and well older in republic-governance -- and we (and they) are still feigning an inability to understand the metrics of how America is governed.
>chaos is a ladder

@pkvi · 30d
>bread and circus
..and brittle thread. #Anarchy

@pkvi · 39d
Who do you fault when peasants allow it?
Packs, herds, swarms.. all of nature yearns for leadership. Until peasants admit to their station and their unwillingness to sacrifice --
Some times a third group must upend both for change to occur.

@pkvi · 75d
What is modernly ironic in that organic evolution is adaptation to environmental conditions, subsequently cultural division will be the by-product of natural evolutionary mechanisms from /coerced/ environmental conditions. #Anarchy (power off) instigates community driven homogeneity.

@pkvi · 121d
>nine billion annually
An over-draft ("error") is by design an unnecessary faux credit debt (for a fee) as alternative to denying payment for alerted irresponsible user management. It is emphatically merchant fraud. #Anarchy

@pkvi · 2y 218d
The migration from Trump is fast becoming a torrent and this could be a good and bad thing as the desperation in a leaderless environment is an anarchy of mind. The good will be the reckless abandon for a time. We need to lead as soon as possible.
@pkvi · 2y 331d
Good(ish) people persuaded by bad people to do horrible things --> good intentions are not synonymous with a good person, nor the inverse. True anarchy is just before the tilt back from the brink the moment prior to a civil war having begun.
@pkvi · 4y 248d
The lack of fear of consequence has seeped in to every facet of American culture --> there is no leadership or community or culture if there are no consequences suffered by the masses for disobedience. We are in a state of anarchy by being over-lawed
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