87 results for "pfs"
@pkvi · 65d
"There will be a day when you wish you had done a little evil, to do a greater good." - Sybilla (Kingdom of Heaven) #pfs
@pkvi · 108d
1. Vaguely remastering remaining ~50 #TVShow before production
Follow: https://www.tiktok.com/@pkvi.xyz
2. Trimming 13,500 miters at 250 per day (~54 days)
3. #TVProgram returns after #1
4. #RFT animations and models urgency elevated
5. Pamphlet (≖_≖ )> #pfs

@pkvi · 1y 269d
Let me be clear, ayh do not care if the reddest necked farmer-iest whitest nationalist chad-iest man is /elected/ to the highest-iest of office, the system is forever broken and our empire's time is up. Take the L and instead match our ancestors' aspirations to want something for ourselves. Absolutes. #pfs
@pkvi · 1y 285d
Trump zealotry revealed the desperation.
Trump (-zionist) revealed the exploitation of it.
>show them the way

@pkvi · 1y 288d
>private institutions
>conduct as federal institutions
>fdic (tax levied invulnerability)
>invests consumer holdings
Jews, Christians, Catholics, Muslims.. it does not matter whom you name; greed is universal. As peasants, we can undo them all. #pfs

@pkvi · 1y 295d
7 year old incomplete list of 97 taxes the government levies on its citizens without consent -- rather thru weaponized obedience and propagandized faith in a long since held hostage republic.
>which way white man
There is no radical vote to restore ourselves with any immediacy wanting and/or justified -- the entire system must be put to the coals. #pfs

@pkvi · 1y 306d
We have been here before and we shall again ..and again. The next natural step is painfully redundant --> but it must happen for men to move forward. Either war comes to us or we escort it to them. #pfs
@pkvi · 1y 308d
A faith in a community to leave your door open or unlocked -is- country. Today we aspire for the next technology to further lock us down in our homes. We are no longer a country and shd not treat it as such. To have it again, we must segregate.. by agreement or war. #pfs
@pkvi · 1y 355d
You know when a joke runs on for too long
that then it circles back to being funny again?
>getting our money back

@pkvi · 1y 358d
You can not unfuck the fucked. #pfs
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