11 results for "#Miter"
@pkvi · 119d
.dev (10.024)
1. #TVShow vaguely remastered uploads and embeds
2. TikTok uploads (existing content)
3. #Miter platform bug extermination and aesthetics
4. Miter old-content filtration
5. #TVProgram pre-production (+/-8)
6. TVShow casting
7. #RFT animations and formulations

@pkvi · 128d
Issue: php otc doy bug in dev
Update: closed
Issue: js otc doy/woy/counter in dev
Update: closed

@pkvi · 1y 331d
Why must websites be responsible for filled field click-away alerts? (#Miter includes this feature) The issue of incidental back or click-away is 100 per cent the consequence of OS or browser design. This feature shd be conditionally embedded in all browsers.
@pkvi · 3y 261d
Realizing as ayh write #Miter that the vast majority of code on social media sites are just if statements. So many if statements. Just NASA fake Apollo ladder high coding books for seemingly simple toggling piles of if statements.
@pkvi · 4y 12d
Shd be noted that with the independent infrastructure of #Miter (future tense) then users could not be hacked in unison --> only individually and on independent host networks located in miscellany locations around the world.
@pkvi · 4y 101d
Announcing a new addition to the #Miter software package called #Wedge --> a self-hosted note taking application similar to Google Keep and Simplenote -except- you host your own data like Miter and Tenon --> removing third parties. #StayTuned
@pkvi · 4y 238d
3/3 What aye shd be working on is the RSS feed /and/ the #Miter "stockyard" which aggregates Miter feeds which aggregates trends, dialog, etc. #Dur
@pkvi · 4y 238d
2/2 The original concept behind #Miter was to be a decentralized micro-blog (Twitter) which means users shd be able to reach other users by @'d them thru their own account hosted on their own server which alienates need for localized protection. #Dur
@pkvi · 4y 349d
May have determined that the additional parallel search for tenon files corrupts the #miter search - which cyclically corrupts the tenon search. Divorcing the two for a potential solution.
@pkvi · 5y 46d
Here is the plot - migrating 'posts' to a #miter feed and embed - writing #tenon to host named static files and a menu. #LIM
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