ayh (/aɪ/) pronoun
1. iteration of 'I' as signifying self
'Ayh' favors traditional asset of an insubstantial
stripped pronoun 'I' from the 'ich' and 'ik' origins.

Language, the exertion of sounds, gestures and symbols in effort to communicate, is not fixed, it is conditioned and subsequently perpetually evolves with time's influence on culture.

Words are often derived from preceding influences and limitations, and as literacy became more normalized in our very recent past, phonetic aesthetics began to prejudice changes.

The origins of the pronoun "I" would harken back to the origin of all language. We identify ourselves more prominently than any other element in our experiences and it would inevitably be one of the founding mechanisms in communication. Me, we, us.. and "I".

It has taken many iterations over time and eventually upon the founding of Old English from European influences (ek, ich, ik, jeg, ih) popularized on "ic". Bearing in mind the average peasant was literate, this spelling was isolated to the wealthy and religious institutions. Under likely aesthetic circumstances, it devolved to "I", tho adoption of this took centuries.

In our modern environment where text has now superseded spoken word, the English language has been inundated with abbreviations, contractions, portmanteau and slang, the while traditional words have stubbornly been preserved. Nothing is perfect, so there is never ill will in attempting to improve upon something.

"I" identifies - you - the most prominent artifact in your existence. And yet, what a rather woeful mark on a page. A single vertical line, often mistaken for a lowercase "L" or Romanic numeral "1" or simply dismissed in passive reading. Phonetically it offers very little assistance to the new English reader, either youth or foreign. It simply does not carry the weight of the relative value of the word.

Comparatively, imagine you were to create a branding. Would you settle for a single slash of a line as your representation to others? Unlikely. You would give substance to the logo so as to have presence.

Language is not fixed, so ayh initiated an experiment. Appreciating the established phonetic appearance of "aye", ayh sought similar unoccupied variations and arrived at "ayh".

Cognizant of contractions, ayh also sought to ease abuse of the apostrophe and permit simplified modifiers that were as well unoccupied: aym, ayd, ayll, ayve.

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